Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Pilates

& Prenatal Reformer Pilates classes

Prenatal yoga classes & Prenatal Reformer Pilates classes help mobilize areas of the body that suffer from soreness due to pregnancy.

For moms and moms-to-be

The classes focus on physical maintenance and conditioning for the arrival of the unborn child. The aim of prenatal classes is to create movement in the body, work on breathing and mobility in areas of the body made rigid by pregnancy (for example, the hips). The emphasis is on hip-opening postures, back stretching and resting postures. Certain inversions, closed twists and postures that strongly mobilize the abdominal muscles should be avoided.

Prenatal yoga prepares you for all phases of pregnancy and childbirth. The body and mind are conditioned for the arrival of the child. Exercises are performed gently.

You can take part in the classes from the very first weeks right up to your delivery. Your doctor’s approval is highly recommended, and indispensable if you are less than 12 weeks pregnant.

The benefits of prenatal yoga

& prenatal reformer pilates

The benefits of prenatal classes

& prenatal reformer pilates

Increase strength and flexibility

The posture sequences proposed are adapted for pregnant women. This class is ideal if you want to increase your strength and flexibility to better cope with the change in your body during and after pregnancy, without the presence of intensity.

Tone muscles, especially the back

Prenatal yoga and prenatal reformer pilates will also help you strengthen your back to prevent long-term pain (especially when carrying your baby).

Stress management and relaxation

Prenatal classes are beneficial practices for pregnant women, offering essential stress management and relaxation techniques during these periods of transition and change.

Where to practice prenatal classes in Montreal?

Our Prenatal classes are offered at our Mount-Royal location.

Click the map below to visit our studio and facilities.

Studio Mount-Royal

1565 Mont-Royal Avenue East, H2J 1Z3 Montreal

Studio Hochelaga

3590 Rue Ontario E, H1W 1R7, Montréal

Our Prenatal Yoga
& Prenatal Pilates instructors

Justine Collard : Yoga Prenatal 

Roberta Arguello : Yoga Prenatal & Yoga Postnatal

Tika Bowrin : Pilates Reformer Prenatal

Audrey Debayle : Yoga Prenatal

Lisa Baker: Pilates Prenatal

Lucile Grangeon: Pilates Postnatal

Our packages

Prenatal yoga classes, pilates classes & Prenatal pilates reformer classes

To take advantage of our prenatals classes, you have 2 options:

  • Purchase LIBERTY a la carte classes: 1, 10, 20 or 30 classes*.
  • Buy a LIBERTY Unlimited monthly package: all packages include prenatal classes (prenatal yoga & prenatal pilates reformer), so you can take unlimited classes*.

*After your delivery, your purchased classes can be used for all our classes (except Reformer Pilates): Postnatal, Yoga, Pilates, Barre Fitness and Essentrics.

All of our a la carte and monthly packages are valid for 1 year. We can extend the duration if required, simply contact us by e-mail.

Prenatal Reformer Pilates: You don’t need to take an initiation class if you’ve never done Pilates on a reformer before.

A unique Equilibre Studio experience

Equilibre Studio Mount-Royal

What are the class times?